God bless all of our co-laborers in central Africa and we thank you for your partnership in the gospel. We send our Christmas greetings and our pledge to continue to support you in prayer and sharing resources as we look forward to a new year that will bring an even greater harvest of souls into the kingdom. We are wiring the expenses ($8,860) for 1Q of 2021. We are now supporting Nelson Wandira who is the new Bible School and Discipleship Training Teacher that will be working with Pastor Martin to coordinate that over-all ministry. We are happy to welcome Nelson, wife Martha and children into this new season of ministry for them. Please check out the Africa leadership on the website to get to know him better.

We are thankful to be sending the remaining $500 the Harvest Kids raised to refurbish the old church structure so primary school can be started in January in Kayunga, Uganda. We are waiting for the estimate on costs for completing the first phase of the new school on the property that was recently purchased. The agreement with the government was that the school could start using the refurbished structure on condition the new school is completed in 2021. The kids are looking forward to this as their next project to help vulnerable and less fortunate children.

We are also blessed to have received donations ($2,300) that allow us to replace the blown out engine in Pr. Simon’s truck that he uses to reach the tribes scattered throughout the desert region of north Kenya and south Ethiopia. Simon has not been able to complete his missions to these people groups since the first of the year.
In addition, we are sending the funds ($3,500) to replace the vehicle that Pr. Evariste uses to transport the two sets of sound and video equipment that are used every weekend in Burundi to do outreaches. The current vehicle doesn’t have sufficient room, requiring the use of some public transport which is costly and can cause damage to the equipment.
