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Give to the Harvest
Partner with us

As with any ministry, your prayers play an essential role in the work we do. In addition to your prayers, we believe God is calling some to support the work He is doing through Harvest Vision, financially. Please prayerfully consider giving to this exciting ministry in one or more of the following ways:

Do you have a special person or special event that you would like to give thanks to the Lord for?
A loved one that has now gone to the Lord.
Your engagement, marriage, anniversary or birth of a child.
A special occasion like the graduation of a child from kindergarten or college or the purchase of your dream home.
What a blessing to commemorate this person or event with a gift to expand God’s kingdom.

Your last will and testament is an opportunity to witness to your friends and loved ones about your faith in eternal salvation and to communicate your desire to see
“His Kingdom Come”.
We strongly encourage each of you to be a good steward of your resources by making a will and testament to convey to your family and friends your desires on how you would like to bless those that remain after you leave to be in the presence of the Lord. Please contact us if we can be helpful in any way.
A message on electronic giving
It is difficult to ask for your help, but our funding fluctuates so much we cannot effectively plan our resources which affects our ability to impact His kingdom in central Africa, Mexico, Central America and locally. If we had consistent funding we could greatly increase our impact.
Our Lord has need of you.
We need underwriting partners that know they are called to co-labor with us and share in the reward eternally. We invite you to partner in the harvest with us as these days draw to a close.
A monthly electronic partnership, annual pledge or both will have great impact in the Kingdom. It enhances our effectiveness…and effectiveness is what counts.
Discouragement that comes after starting a work and then not being able to finish it undermines us. Having to stop work and regroup and go appeal again to the Body of Christ to send another gift so we can go back and try to pick up the pieces is not the way to run an effective ministry.