Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit and entrusted us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He then prayed to the Father, that we may be one so the whole world will know that the Father had sent Him.
We are delighted to invite you to join us at:
Salt and Light fellowship
14799 Avon Allen Rd
Mt. Vernon WA.
We recognize that many of us have fellowship on Sunday mornings and evenings, so our fellowship time is from 1-3pm and 4-6pm with a potluck in between.
Our hope is that we can come together and share testimonies of how God is working in our lives to fulfill our calling and help us build relationships with those that have been prompted to support or that have that same calling. We will not be judged by what we do – but what we were called to do.
Jesus is the head of the Church, the Holy Spirit is the worship leader and we are His body.
For information call 360-421-8811.
