Many thanks to our co-laborers that pray and provide financial support to our brothers and sisters that sacrifice so much to ‘look after widows and orphans in their distress’ and labor to teach believers how to not ‘be polluted by the world’. We were able to send the funds to build a small home for Pastor John Light’s widow and her family in the refugee camp in north Uganda. John was the coordinator of Harvest Vision in South Sudan and was forced to flee with his family to Uganda where he died and went to be with Jesus leaving his family without support. We also were able to send funds to help support the second gathering of all the branch pastors in Uganda for a conference to build their faith and to allow them to deepen their relationship with each other as they work to reach the lost in their communities and teach them to be true disciples. We are blessed to be partners in spreading the gospel message to those that are ‘brokenhearted and crushed in spirit’ in central Africa. We would welcome all that would like to share in these blessings.