Thanks to everyone that donates cans and prays for these young people in our family that are making such a big difference in our world today. The Harvest Kids crushed aluminum cans in the cold so we can raise money to help vulnerable and orphaned children in Africa. After warming up a bit playing with the parachute, we gathered inside where it was warm and put our pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters in the collection bullet to help build another primary school. The day moved on with putting the handprints on the wall and then celebrating everyone that has a birthday around the world in January. A great time of fellowship as these young people released their own creativity on making up their own dream boards. We are so thankful that these young people are learning to be true disciples by learning it is better to give than to receive and all the “older” Harvest Kids are helping and strengthening their family relationships with one another. Much thanks to Jen who, not only organized the activities, but later spent the evening hosting the Harvest Kids girls sleepover.
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