Nine months ago, we were blessed to meet a family that was involved with a church fellowship that was meeting at the Garden of Eden fellowship center in Mt. Vernon.
They became acquainted with the vision that the Lord had given to the
woman that owned the property and shortly after that,
the Holy Spirit prompted them to sell their home
and come and help.
They have been a part of our family there since
and now they have completed the work that the Lord prompted them to help with
and are moving to Montana for a new season of faithful service.
After almost 200 mission trips to Mexico over the last 22 years
and the struggles that so many had when it would come time to leave,
we would always say:
“For those of us that believe, we never say ‘Goodbye’ we say, ‘See you later”.
There is that sadness that touches the moment,
but it quickly fades when we remember that
God promised
He will never leave us or forsake us and that we are one in Jesus Christ.