Each person must be sure that their response is based on the way in which the Holy Spirit is giving them discernment. It is good to seek the Godly counsel of others, but ultimately the Lord whispers to each one individually. The question for each of us as believers is: “Can we be faithful to a whisper that no one else hears?”
365 times in God’s Word the Lord commands us to not be afraid. Once for each day of the year – every year.
But when Jesus sent out the disciples after giving them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. He gave them specific instructions that are found in Matthew 10.
Please read all of chapter 10, because Jesus carefully describes the current times, we find ourselves in as believers.

Forever is our prayers,
In Love and Service to our Savior, Lord, King and Friend, Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Your servants and His friends,
George & Linda