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  • Writer's picturePapa George

January 28, 2020

In December, our co-laborers in central Africa were in the field 71 days and coordinated 23 different crusades, seminars and outreaches. Along with the testimonies of deliverances and healings, 2,373 people came to faith in Jesus Christ. As we reflect on God’s promises for this year in light of the 40,900 believers that moved from darkness into the light in 2019, our hearts are filled with anticipation. Although they face many trials of persecution and suffer through poor transportation, weather, sickness and sometimes little or no food, they persevere for the sake of the harvest. We are thankful to everyone that prays and supports these servants in Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Burundi and the DRCongo. We are encouraged by the testimonies of gratitude from our coordinators that are starting to realize their basic needs; food, shelter and school fees are being met by the sustainability projects that our co-laborers from the USA helped them get started. We are praying for the funds to equip four more coordinators with sound and video equipment and monthly support this year so they can work with all the Christian church families and leaders in their regions and help coordinate outreaches, train leaders, strengthen existing church families and help plant new ones. Unfortunately, many of our coordinators, along with their communities, are being attacked or could soon be attacked by an invasion of locusts from northeastern Africa that are slowly working their way into Kenya toward Uganda. This is devastating and destroying basically all vegetation in their path. Please lift all of central Africa up in your prayers.

We are happy to report that the director of the ministry in Africa, Pr. Martin, and his family moved into their new home this month. Susan, the admin coordinator for the over-all ministry, and her family moved into the home and office that Martin and his family have been living in the last 14 years, since the ministry started. This will give Martin more freedom to help teach leaders and expand the ministry and also provide Susan easier access to the office where she coordinates much of the over-all ministry. The new weekly radio program that started this month is already reaching many people in a large area with a true teaching of the bible and is named, “Sound Doctrine Discipleship”. Many people respond during and after the program, either in English to Pr. Martin or in Lugandan to Pr. Jeffrey. We are encouraged that 29 pastors attended the first month of the year-long bible school that started in southeast Uganda this month. Pastors attend for 3 days each month, then spend the month studying and training their leaders and continue 3 days per month for one year. This allows them to be trained in the Word of God without having to leave their families, ministries or pay for their training. Another bible school is scheduled to start in eastern Uganda soon.

We are looking forward to a wonderful time of fellowship at the coordinator’s conference in Kampala, Uganda that is scheduled the first part of March. George and Wayne from the USA will be joining with the Harvest Vision family from the different locations throughout central Africa. It continues to be a time of encouragement, refreshment, sharing, worship and prayer and we thank everyone that prays, blesses and helps support this anointed fellowship.

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