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  • Writer's picturePapa George

Africa – Salvations and enlarging the territory, July 8, 2021

Every day we are in contact with our co-laborers in central Africa that continue to share the gospel with those in their communities, even with the restrictions imposed on them by various lockdowns.

These lockdowns isolate the people in the large communities from food and even the limited, if any, medical care they might have had prior.

We just received the June testimonies from Pr. Evariste in Burundi where they have no lockdowns, and they were able to coordinate seven two-day outreaches in different communities and witness 678 people accept Jesus that are now being discipled by local believers into new or existing church families. They are in need of help to replace one of the generators and some of the mics and speakers.

We have also sent $15,000, which is about half the money needed to purchase land for a farming project that will eventually provide enough income to cover the ongoing costs of keeping all the existing coordinators in Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Burundi and the DRCongo active in ministry.

That will release the financial support coming from the USA to be used to equip more coordinators in the various regions and to move into the surrounding countries.

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