October was a difficult month doing outreaches in the central Africa region because of an unusual amount of rainfall that kept people from attending the various outreaches. Obviously, the rainfall makes transporting the equipment more difficult, plus the additional burden of trying to protect the equipment and keep it dry. We are thankful, that regardless of these obstacles, our co-laborers were in the field 72 days and coordinated 24 different crusades, seminars and outreaches. Along with the testimonies of deliverances and healings, 1,359 people came to faith in Jesus Christ, including witch doctors and Muslims, and many of them have been baptized. We thank everyone for their prayers and financial support. We are in need of refurbishing 2 generators ($150/each) and replacing an amplifier ($500) and a stabilizer ($80).
If you would like to make a donation, they can be made on line at www.myegiving/hvm.