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Titus and his wife, Lorna, and their family
coordinate the work in the harvest fields of Namaingo, E Uganda.
These testimonies are so encouraging.
“We had this soul winning campaign on Saturday 9/11/2021 with legal permission from the local authorities. We began by intercession and thereafter general cleaning of Nsono trading centre in Buyinja subcounty Namayingo district. After that we went out for house to house evangelism and on the way evangelism while one preacher remained doing open air preaching because we had sound system. When we came back we had a get together lunch with the identified vulnerables within the parish. After that we gave out soap, clothes and shoes to some identified needy families in the parish. The area pastors helped us in identifying them. Then the youths went for a friendly football match with the area football team in the nearest primary school playground. As the game was on, the rest of the youths were doing one on one evangelism while distributing gospel literature. 21 people and over forty kids surrendered their lives to Christ.”
