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Augustin & Rachel Shako
Evangelist Augustin has been the DRCongo field coordinator for Harvest Vision since 2010 to evangelize the villages, schools, and communities of the DRC despite frequent rebel uprisings and political instability. His Christian journey, however, began with EGD church in 1996 where he promptly joined a team of door to door evangelists. At the time he gave himself to Christ he was a student of INSTIGO which continues to do evangelism from door to door teams and outreaches. Over time in the church he began working with technical/sound management, singing, ushering, and is now a deacon of the church. His technical work has proved to be a vital role in ensuring the spreading of the gospel as he has always been able to upkeep and repair the equipment. The original set of equipment has been in full time use since 2008. In 2009 he married, Rachel, who was also born in Goma, and we were able to provide them with a sewing machine for a tailoring business to help meet their needs so that he could be available full time for the preaching of the gospel both in the church and through outreaches. Augustin & Rachel have 6 children. Unfortunately, because of the political unrest and economic collapse that accelerated with the war between the current government and rebels in 2013, the “tailoring” business is not practical to meet their needs. Also, Pr Isaac, the Harvest Vision DRCongo over-all coordinator and founder of the EGD church denomination that Augustin and his family belong to, have been targeted to be killed by the government and had to find refuge in a neighboring nation where he still helps oversee the ministry. Fortunately, Augustin is still able to coordinate outreaches and a produce retail shop has been established to help sustain them and meet their needs.