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Washington State Ministries

We are blessed to be in fellowship with many Christian believers throughout western Washington.

Although the ministry started and is coordinated from the Skagit Valley, we are blessed to have many people participating and we have liaisons in Pierce and Snohomish counties.

Many are involved in ministry and fellowship with different church families in their communities, including many “house church fellowships”. We make an effort to encourage the universal Church to love each other and respect the many ways in which the Holy Spirit leads His Church – individually and corporately – but never straying from God’s Word.
We passionately pray for and champion those that are involved in local outreach ministry, either through their local church family, a para-ministry, or individually – at the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Oftentimes, we gather friends from the different church families and have picnics at the park or homes, and other times we may have a worship service at one of the buildings that a local church family has available.

In 2019, we started the Garden of Eden Farming ministry, a multi-generational project involving different farming methods and properties that includes planting, harvesting, and making use of these to meet the needs of people and provide additional financial support for the ongoing ministry.

We take every opportunity to present the needs of our co-laborers in Mexico, Central America, and Central Africa to the Christian community by being involved in parades, fairs,  and other events and sponsoring fundraising activities such as garage sales, coffee at the rest area, and car washes. 
Our “Mission Needs” and “Give to the Harvest” pages describe their needs and some of the opportunities we have to support local native missionaries in these locations through Harvest Vision Africa, Harvest Vision Mexico, and Harvest Vision Central America.
Local native pastors and leaders coordinate outreaches that use the sound and video equipment made available through our partners' faithful giving here in the USA.

Fellowship Center
at the
Garden of Eden

14799 Avon Allen Rd

Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Bringing people together for fellowship & sharing


Soon to be open daily


noon to 4 p.m.

  • There is a variety of international hand-crafted artworks and crafts that are available for donation to support the ministry primarily in Africa.

  • We also have DVDs and Christian books available for loan and Bibles.

  • There are New Testaments in English and Spanish available for people to take and give to friends and strangers they meet on the street.

  • Large maps of Mexico and Africa show the locations where we are currently supporting outreaches.

We have sound and video equipment available to loan to local church families and para-ministries that are reaching out to the community.
See the information at Skagit Valley Worship Equipment on the kinds and types of equipment available.

The Madilyn’s House project began with an effort by 4-year-old Madilyn, her 2-year-old sister Hailey and her mother Kylee to build a home for 25 girls that sleep on the floor of the Canaan Foundation School in Mukono, Uganda.
After a trip to Africa in June, 2013 that vision was expanded to include all the outreach to vulnerable children in central Africa that is being done through Harvest Vision Ministries Africa, which includes mosquito nets & health needs, education and school supplies, clothing and meeting other basic needs to help children that their local native missionaries in Africa have been called to help.
The ministry was renamed Harvest Kids and continues to have local children help financially support these projects through recycling aluminum cans, car washes, collecting change, and whatever other fundraising means that are available.
The Harvest Kids can and are making a significant difference in God’s Kingdom and are a primary supporter of the Garden of Eden Farming Ministry.
Please check out the Harvest Kids page.

We make an effort to involve individuals and church families in the mission opportunities available in San Luis, Mexico and Alert Bay, BC, Canada. Teams from all age groups and different church families usually team up through the support of our local Mexico trip coordinators, to raise the funds to drive to San Luis, Mexico south of Yuma, AZ. There we work with Harvest Vision Mexico which has a ministry complex that supports local ministry in the community. Team members stay at the mission home while being involved in outreach to local church families, prisons, rehabs, the cardboard city and includes sports, crusades, feeding ministries, the sewing ministry and other types of outreach.

Pre-trip guidelines and participant permission and minors missions’ forms are available.
Also, a video of a typical mission trip is also available to watch.

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