The will to win is useless without the will to prepare.

We are blessed to witness the coming together of the Body of Christ here in our own community.
Jesus said when He is lifted up from the earth, all people will be drawn to Him.

We are thankful that local believers from many different church families, para-ministries and even many more that have separated themselves apart so they can be sure they are hearing the uncompromised word of God as given to us by Jesus Himself through the Holy Spirit.
Those that desire to honor God in this way are gathering at the Harvest Home, 9467 Pierce Lane in Sedro Woolley during the day. Fellowship, a cup of coffee, prayer, testimonies and allowing the Holy Spirit to show us our part. Need a costume? Olivia, our ministry coordinator in Mexico, has came with her gift of sewing to bless our community.
You are welcome!
