After a rare two days of light rain, we were blessed to have a beautiful sunny day for Harvest Kids. The garage, produce and corn sale were all opened and people were coming when we started our morning activities. We only had a few bags of aluminum cans that hadn’t been crushed and the kids make quick work of them. The whole morning was filled with numerous visitors for the sale and some to say hi to the Harvest Kids and Olivia and Yvann who are visiting with us from Mexico. They have been both been involved in the Harvest Kids when it was active in San Luis. We shared a quick testimony of how Harvest Kids got started and were reminded that it was just over 8 years ago that Madilyn and Hailey (now 13 & 11) made their one and only trip (so far) to Africa that God used to start Harvest Kids. They had their Change the World coin donations that they counted ($153) and when added to the garage sale and produce/corn sale money they had the last $5,575 they needed to finish the Harvest Doves primary school in Kayunga, Uganda. The total costs was $21,975 USD. What is impossible for man is possible for God. “And a little child will lead them.” The school started the first of June with 80 students, 35 from neighboring Muslim families. We are praying for an increased harvest of souls in the entire community. The kids saw a photo of the children eating a simple meal in the village where Madilyn’s House was built. A bowl and no utensils. Mama Linda then served all of us with a similar meal: rice, mango, banana, pineapple and no utensils. After the meal, we wished all the Harvest Kids around the world that were born in August a Happy Birthday, being mindful that many of the children in Africa and in other parts of the world don’t know when they were born because there are no records. Olivia shared the story in the Bible about the young boy that offered his simple meal to Jesus, after Jesus had commanded the disciples to feed the 5,000 men that had gathered to hear Him speak. They had already told Jesus they couldn’t get the food to do that, but after the boy put His tiny lunch in the hand’s of the Master, there was more than enough. A real encouragement to these young disciples. Afterwards, Wayne took Olivia and Yvann fishing and George took the kids to pick corn and then home to Granite Falls.