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  • Writer's picturePapa George

USA – CEF 5-day club at Garden of Eden, August 9-13, 2021

Many thanks to Lynn and Jeremy from Child’s Evangelism Fellowship for sharing the love of Jesus by continuing to sacrifice their time and gifts to serve the Lord by reaching and teaching the children in our community.

Many thanks to those that have made the Garden of Eden family ministry what it is today and available to our community to glorify God and bring the Body together in this wonderful setting.

As the Lord made it, the days and nights were filled with attention to the rabbits, dogs, frogs and bugs, but the kids were also able to help with some projects, moving wood and working in the garden and some of the kids even camped out a couple of nights. Thanks to everyone who helped with food, clean up and the parents with transporting their kids. The kids were given the gospel message in a variety of ways, through scripture, songs, stories and inter-active games. The most important teaching for the kids, and reminder for the youth and adults, is about the gift of always being able to talk in prayer with God who after we have received Him, will never leave us, or forsake us.

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in unity.” Psalms 133:1
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