Jesus said, ”I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4:35)
We just received a couple of photos of outreaches in the DRCongo, Burundi and Ethiopia. We pray they are an encouragement as we hear testimony of people in these communities repenting and receiving the gift of their rightful eternal inheritance.
Below is the testimonies we received from Pastor Augustine who coordinates ministry in the DRCongo.
“Gospel for the month of March 2023 at the Mont Goma Institute on March 22. Those that participated were 613 students. The people who believed in Jesus were 88 students. In the Virunga District on March 27. Those that participated were 220 persons. The people who believed in Jesus were 4 persons.
Testimony: We baptized 6 people who had accepted Jesus and they received training to be good disciples of Jesus to preach to the nation the good news of salvation.”