We were blessed to have a wonderful time of fellowship with Pr. Ariel & Mercedes and his church family on Thursday night. Yesterday we rested then visited with the church family of Bethesda who we have been blessed to partner in ministry with for 18 years. Pr. Mario went to be with the Lord the first of the year and we were encouraged that his children are leading worship and preaching the Word to stand for Jesus, their calling and vision. We have been prayerfully led to help Miguel and Olivia expand the ministry by revising the sewing room to include a printing business that will provide a more secure funding base for the ministry here. It also allows more believers to be involved. We will be able to tap into the wisdom that God has given to our brothers and sisters in El Salvador that also use a family-based printing business to meet the needs of the public as well as believers and provide a sustained income to support their family and ministry. We are working on an estimate, probably $2,000+ and we pray that the Body of Christ will prayerfully and financially support the vision. We also visited a property purchased by Luis and Norma that help with the ministry in a new area at the outskirts of the community. We will be purchasing a canopy that they will take out a few times a month to start a church family. Eventually, they will build their home there. We are also prayerfully hoping to raise the money needed (~$2,000) to put a metal roof on a home that was donated to be used as a meeting place for the new church family that Pr. Sergio has started in Ciudad Arce outside of San Salvador in El Salvador. We are blessed in the USA to have believers that can financially help spread the gospel to the nations, even as we face the reality of changes in our own country. Any amount, no matter how small, changes in value when it is placed in the Master’s Hands. We have no “paid” positions in Harvest Vision Ministries – in fact it is the other way around. Thanks for your prayers and participation and partnership in the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ in whatever way you are called.
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