We are encouraged each and every moment with the reality of knowing that the gospel is forcefully advancing through the many testimonies from those that are sacrificing to reach those that are broken hearted and crushed in spirit to those in their areas of influence by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the WHOEVER’S that God puts in their path.
It is impossible for man to put this mission as a priority while living in the world, but it is possible through God who teaches us how to be “in” the world, but not “of” the world.
We appreciate everyone that prays and sacrifices so that each one has what is needed to do their part.
We are looking forward to Dan Lenhart’s upcoming visit to Nigeria later this month to attend his son, Noah’s, marriage to his fiancée Jessica. Although from Nigeria, she lives in Canada and will be meeting with them at the airport in Europe, before flying on to Nigeria to be with Jessica’s family. Dan is blessed to be flying with Noah and his other son Nate, for the ceremony and to meet Jessica’s family. Dan will also be sharing about Harvest Vision Ministries with them and we are looking forward to the blessings that will come from this marriage because they are a strong Christian family.
In Uganda, Pastor Martin, the director of Harvest Vision, has asked the branch pastors that he oversees in eastern Uganda to set up a 3-day seminar this month. He has also shared that some of the Bible schools are starting smaller schools using pastors that have already graduated to do the majority of the teaching. He has challenged the believers in the Kibuli fellowship that is located in the Muslim slums of Kampala to share their faith and encourage one person to accept Jesus and then disciple that person throughout the remainder of the year. It is not the purpose of the building to be soul winners, but rather the mission of all believers to participate in the harvesting of souls.
A celebration of thanksgiving will be held to rejoice together in the fall.
During July, Martin will be joining Steve Patterson and a team from Tennessee to do 10 days of discipleship training in Tanzania. In the month of August, a conference for all the pastors and the coordinators from the different countries will be held. This gives them the opportunity to encourage one another and receive from the Holy Spirit His direction on how to continue to draw closer to the Lord while expanding the kingdom at the same time.
For those that are not aware, changes in US policies have been made which will possibly establish sanctions against Uganda and unchecked have the opportunity to affect the ongoing relationship we have been blessed as a Christian community to have with our co-laborers in this country. Nothing can stop the coming together of the true Church or stop the government that God has created in the heavens though Jesus Christ.
And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.
You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,and they will reign
on the earth.”
Revelation 5:9-10 NIV
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Matthew 24:14 NIV