“Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.” (Joel 3:14)
We are thankful for the Harvest Kids that will be adding their donations to the money needed to complete the classrooms at the Harvest Doves primary school in Kayunga, Uganda. Since they built the school last year, starting with 30 students, many Muslim families in that community have now asked for their children to be able to attend. We now have 180 students to primary 5. They have graduated and the new 6th grade students will move into the new classrooms. The Harvest Kids still need over $1,000 to finish the extra classrooms and then the money needed to relocate the toilets. They would appreciate your support. Please come to Harvest Kids the 2nd & 4th Saturdays from 11am-1:30pm or stop in at 14799 Avon Allen Road in Mt. Vernon.
Call 360-421-8811 for information.
We just received the testimonies of our co-laborers for 2022 that have been doing mostly door-to-door ministry these last two years. They also do outreach ministry using the equipment donated by co-laborers from the USA and they are biblically obligated (1 Samuel 30:18-25) to share the fruit of the ministry directly related to the use of the equipment. That ended the year in the form of 292 outreaches and 22,732 saved that are now being discipled in local church families. We also would like to share that a co-laborer in Tennessee and his church family recently donated the money to have made a 250 person mobile tent that will be used at one of the new church plants. After the church family can build a small structure, the tent will be moved to the next location.
We thank everyone for their prayers and support of our co-laborers in South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi and the DRCongo these last 17 years. Multitudes, multitudes have now been sent out of their “valley of decision” by denying themselves, picking up their cross daily and following Jesus to find others that are still lost.