As we reflect on God’s promises for this year in light of the 38,596 believers that moved from darkness into the light this last year, our hearts are filled with anticipation. 2,373 were added through the 21 outreaches that were coordinated in December by these men and women that sacrifice so much to bring the gospel to these areas. Although they face many trials of persecution and suffer through poor transportation, weather, sickness and sometimes little or no food, they persevere for the sake of the harvest. We are thankful to everyone that prays and supports these servants in Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Burundi and the DRCongo. We are praying for the funds to equip four more coordinators with sound and video equipment this year. Please pray about joining the financial team that makes this possible. We would need 4 sets of equipment ($3,600 each) and monthly support ($150/mo) for them to be able to work with all the Christian church families and leaders in their regions and help coordinate outreaches, train leaders, strengthen existing church families and help plant new ones. We will be leaving the first of March so the equipment that has to come from here has to be sent over now. The remainder, generator, etc. we can purchase in Africa.
If you would like to make a donation, they can be made on line at www.myegiving/hvm or the “electronic giving” on the home page of the website or through PayPal to You can also mail donations to Harvest Vision Ministries, PO Box 733, Sedro Woolley, WA, 98284. All donations are tax-deductible and help advance the gospel of Jesus Christ and build His Kingdom.