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Garden of Eden
family ministry
In the Beginning...
The Vision...
The vision that started as a multi-generational farming ministry has now expanded to be a multi-family ministry. Additional property now provides a picnic area, playground, camping area, worship trailer, fellowship center and shop. The playground equipment includes volleyball, soccer, tetherball, horseshoes, badminton and other games. The picnic area has tables, running water, firepit and a BBQ.
The worship trailer is also staged on the property and is complete with sound, musical equipment, lights, puppets and the capability for showing movies. It will be used as needed, on location or moved to support other venues in our community.
The fellowship center has sound and video equipment, tables and chairs to accommodate the needs of different ministries. The shop has the tools and equipment needed for maintaining the ministry and building future projects.
We are praying that the Lord will bring a family that would like to start a petting zoo in the future.
This provides a safe, non-threatening, drug and alcohol-free environment for Christians and their families and friends to gather and deepen their relationship with God and each other, share God’s Word and to encourage and pray for one another.
The multi-generational farming project includes planting, harvesting and marketing that will build relationships between believers and non-believers to introduce them to the gospel through sharing the variety of gifts that will be required to implement the vision. The project will include the potential to have “organically-grown” products and will include garden and farm projects in Skagit and Snohomish Counties in western Washington. The project will target children through Harvest Kids to ensure they have Godly role models as they begin their journey of faith. It will also include a mentoring dynamic that will teach young children and adults how to prepare and preserve food for later use.
A marketing and ministry component will include allowing the young people to be involved in local farmers markets and meeting the needs of the less fortunate in our communities.
The finances generated will be used to expand the project and otherwise support co-laborers reaching out to the broken and lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ in their communities including Mexico, Central America, Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda, the DRCongo and wherever we may be called. A core planning team will prayerfully lead the team and the strategy that will ensure that we use the resources that God has currently entrusted to us, allowing each person and family to do the work that God has called them to do, not wasting anything.
The team will also provide resources and help others that would like to use their property for any or all of these elements of ministry.