We all should remember when the truth of the gospel began to invade our life and shine its beautiful Light.
But do we remember our first encounter with Satan?
This Sunday the Holy Spirit will be shedding the truth about our relationship with the prince of darkness. Jesus said that in the last days’ true worshipers will worship in Spirit and in Truth. Jesus said that many ‘believers’ will choose to open God’s Word and ‘read what they believe’ instead of ‘believe what they read”.
The Salt and Light fellowship meets
every Sunday
at the
Garden of Eden family ministry
14799 Avon Allen Rd
Mt. Vernon WA USA
1 pm fellowship starts with contemporary worship, followed by the Word, the sharing of testimonies and prayer.
We break bread together as a family from 3-4 pm and then have a second fellowship at 4 pm starting with gospel, blues and hymns, then the Word, testimonies and prayer.
We look forward to spending family time together as God’s children.
You are welcome.
