We are so thankful for those
that will be sharing
the birth, life, death and resurrection
of our Savior, Lord and King,
Jesus Christ
at the
Sedro Woolley Christmas parade
Saturday, Dec. 4th at 5pm

We are praying that the truth of the gospel and the love of the Father would shine into the hearts of everyone that attends and that many will respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit as He speaks to all that will listen.
We know the Holy Spirit prompted these believers to come together for this purpose and as we journey together through this Christmas season we will do it in recognition of our first love, Jesus Christ.
There are many distractions in the world, but Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him.
For anyone that participated or has been moved in anyway by this experience, the Lord has opened a time of sharing at the Garden of Eden Fellowship at 14799 Avon Allen Rd in west Mt. Vernon on Sunday, Dec 5th at 3pm.
We are having a turkey and ham potluck and we know the Lord will be present to bless our fellowship. We are challenging those that attend to share how the Holy Spirit is leading them to fulfill the desire of our Lord when He has asked us to,
“Deny yourself, pick up your cross daily and follow Me.”
We know that God wants us to encourage one another as we shine that light through the remainder of the Christmas season, into the new year and forever.
For information call 360-421-8811 or 360-421-8812. What God puts together, let no one separate.