Many thanks to everyone that donates cans to help these kids help vulnerable children in Africa.
After crushing cans, the kids help Grandma Linda set up for the garage and produce sale. Then the kids came inside and played some games.

It was exciting because the kids had enough change to purchase 4 more mosquito nets for kids in Africa. We will be wiring the money for the 25 orphan girls that live at the Nalidi primary school in Uganda and they already have the money for 2 of the 29 boys.

Madilyn reminded us that Adam was made from the dust, so the kids took Playdough (colored wet dust) and using some cords and batteries had enough power flowing through that “dust” to light up small led lights.

Another great lunch and stories from God’s Word about David and Goliath.
The kids are all looking forward to the:
Child’s Evangelism Fellowship 5 day club
at the Garden of Eden project
from 10am-noon,
Aug. 17-21 at
14799 Avon Allen Rd Mt. Vernon
We hope to see many kids joining us.
Some of the girls were able to come out and check out the garden and the “giant” pumpkin called “Moby Pumpkin”.
Then they helped spread some gravel to set up the porta-potty, set up the fire pit and helped us plant the cross that will overlook the picnic area.
Obviously, the kids have got to whip up a dessert for later in the evening.!
What a blessing to see these young people learning that it is better to give than receive and thereby become true disciples of Jesus Christ.