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  • Writer's picturePapa George

USA – Child’s Evangelism Fellowship 5-day club, August 17-22, 2020

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” (Genesis 2:15). In this case, it was a woman (Lynn) and her dedicated co-laborers from Christian Youth in Action, that poured out the love of Jesus on the over 20 different children that came to the Garden of Eden property Monday-Friday from 10am-noon. The week was filled games, singing, contest, memorizing scriptures and messages that ensured each child understood the gospel and was given an opportunity to receive the free gift of forgiveness of sin and have an eternal relationship with the Father. Others were given the opportunity to commit to a deeper relationship as a true disciple.

The week included a day by day journey into the life of Amy Carmichael, a missionary, that even though faced with many obstacles met the challenge to listen and obey to God’s calling in her life. Amy opened an orphanage and founded a mission in Dohnavur, India. She served in India for 55 years without a furlough and wrote many books that continue to bless missionaries throughout the world. Although she was born in Ireland in 1867, she was taken to be with the Lord in India in 1951 at 84 years old.

We are thankful that these children were able to share their own thoughts and ideas throughout the week because of the inter-active curriculum that Child’s Evangelism Fellowship has been given by the Lord to reach children throughout the world. This was also our first outreach at the property where the Garden of Eden was birthed.

“Lord Jesus, we thank You for the leaders, parents and children that You brought to fellowship with You and each other this week. We pray that their relationship with You and each other will never be separated and that they will continue to be one in Christ so the whole world will know that the Father sent Jesus to save us from sin and eternal separation. We ask for Your continued blessings on the ministry of Child’s Evangelism Fellowship and the Garden of Eden. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Remember – that what is birthed in prayer, must stay bathed in prayer.

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