We are praying that each of you is finding peace in your life, even though we know that confusion is persistently trying to sabotage our need for fellowship as the Body of Christ. We wanted to just share some truth that is adding to our difficulty in discerning how we are to be the light to the broken hearted and crushed in spirit when we feel that is a relatively good description of our journey of faith in this season of our lives. Please just prayerfully consider why this time is so trying for us all.
Linda and I have been living in the community of Skagit Valley for over 50 years. Over those years I have never met or heard of anyone that wanted to be sick or really get anyone else sick. During those years, people have had flu and flu like symptoms, more in the winter and fall than during the spring and summer. But every day of every year people are trying to stay healthy. Now, we have healthy supplements, prescription and non-prescription drugs and remedies. The difference now, is that people can go to the am-pm, neighborhood grocery stores, Rite-aid, Walgreens, Hometown pharmacy, Safeway, Walmart, Fred Meyers, Costco, Amazon and anywhere to fill up their bags with the medicine they think will help them get over the flu-like symptoms. Hundreds, everyday of the year. From 1970 and all the more every year through to this the present day. Stand at the shelves at any of these places, any time and any day of the year and watch how many people are checking out labels and getting the medicine that they believe might help them. During the time of the Swine flu, H1N1, SARS, every flu down to the common cold that has triggered human responses from the sniffles, pneumonia and even death. What if everyone that felt that they had or could have the actual flu called everyone they had been in contact with, shutdown their business and quarantined from life each time? How does society manage when it has always included almost everyone throughout every year and for many – more than a number of times throughout each year. It has always been the truth, but our response to it was changed in 2020. And everyone has seen the ultimate devastation that is now crippling and destroying families in a way that has never happened before. The truth. God allows it so everyone can make a choice. Do we need any God other than ourselves? The carnal nature of sin is self-preservation. That is the conflicting and hopefully, convicting, truth that can be appealing when we fully embrace the concept that if we are having symptoms of any sickness or know someone that does, we must isolate basis what man dictates.
We must set our course, individually and corporately, to listen and obey, trusting that God will direct our steps.