We are thankful for our co-laborers in Mexico and El Salvador that continue to faithfully seize every opportunity to advance the gospel and prepare new believers to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. They need your prayers and support.
Olivia and Miguel,
who coordinate the ministry in Mexico, have been led to start a printing business in San Luis. This will allow them to meet the needs of their community in those services, build relationships with more people and provide finances to help meet their needs to expand the ministry. It is similar to the printing business that helps support Sergio & Gloria and their family as they coordinate the ministry in El Salvador.
We are in need of $4,500 to complete
the structure and provide the equipment.

Miguel & Olivia

Sergio & Gloria
has also expanded to a community near Santa Ana in El Salvador, where a new church family has begun. They aren’t able to meet on rainy days because their building has no roof.
They are in need of $2,000 for the tin sheets for the roof.
What is the value of one soul that comes into the kingdom?
Considering the price that God has paid for it – Priceless!